Think Jesus

We need to Think as we read the Bible. Not just accept the opinions of even those respected by us. My name is Sonny Cathey I am doing the work of an Evangelist/Missionary but my calling is as a Pastor.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Faith is Easy, Patience is Tough

Greetings Dear Friends,

It has been a while since my last blog. Sorry for the delay. I now have an awesome website that has fired me up about my blog. My life has been busy for the last couple of years. I have ministered in Nine (9) Nations including Israel. I had the privilege of preaching in the upper room. Wow! What a time. I also preached for a missionary while there.

Things are exciting. A dear friend of mine, Dr. David Fuller made a statement to me the other day; he said with technology the way it is it would be a sin not to utilize it for the Kingdom of God. I can say amen because about thirty nations have visited my website in the last two months. I am about to have Audio Preaching and it is great to know that people from China, Russia and all the other nations of the World will be able to hear the Good News twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

And now to my thought. You will be able to listen in a few days to a sermon on my website called "Faith is Easy, Patience is tough. I preach it everywhere I go. It is easy to believe in God. You would have to be on a mission to not believe in him. Psalms 19 says; "the heavens declare the Glory of God. Someone called the Stars, "the preachers of the sky". How true. As intelligent as human beings are supposed to be, it takes an object millions of light years away to admit and promote God. We humans are not as smart as we think we are. It's easy to believe in God.

What is hard is going through tribulation and surviving long enough to say "I know that my Redeemer liveth". The word of God says "Tribulation worketh patience, patience, experience and experience hope. You don't have to do one thing to get faith it is measured out to all men, but the only way you get patience, experience and hope to obtain the promises is through tribulation. Don't curse your trials, embrace them because it is the only way you can truly grow in God.

Dear friends, I know this is not a popular message in a world that only wants to hear prosperity messages of clean white sheets, new cars, and Lot's of money. I'm all for that but I want to go to heaven more than anything else. We must be honest. Trials come and my dear friend David Fuller says it like this, "don't curse your trials".

Let's not curse the darkness but let God shine a light through it. In John 1:5 the bible says...and the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. The original Greek says it like this.....the light blasted into the darkness and the darkness could not wrestle it down. Let the darkness in your life blind the devil.


Sonny Cathey

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Thursday, April 20, 2006


What an awesome privelege it is to pray. That avenue that God has created for us to commune with him. I think of the false God's that cannot hear and our God hears us when we pray. He actually pursue's his people. Oh the privelege of being able to talk to the great God of Heaven. When we pray, everything else falls into place. You don't have to go to seminars or read books though these can be somewhat beneficial. Prayer is truly the cure-all. God gives us answers when we pray and we desire to live a godly life when we pray. I love to pray. Yet I do too little of it. We can read books on how to pray and we can read the lives of praying people, but until we pray our lives will not change. John 14 says....."come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Afghan Man suffers for Christianity

I have kept up with the plight of Rahman the 41 year old man from Afghanistan who had a death sentence placed on him for the crime of converting to christianity. This man by the Grace of God but with I am sure much heartache must leave the land of his birth and yet the grace is that it will save his life. But in seeing this man on Television the other day with his accusers I could not help but contrast the hard looks on his accusers with no joy and yet on Rahman there was a glow. You can look at a true Christian and see a glow on their countenance which is as much proof of their God's existense as the very stars in heaven and this great time clock called Earth. The sun sets exactly and without error every night and rises every morning. You would have to be totally deceived or mentally blinded not to believe in a master architect behind all of this. God Bless Rahman for his shine. Please comment at will.

Sonny at White House Briefing

Sonny at White House Briefing in Washington, D.C. U.S.A.


When Jesus took his disciples to Caesera Phillipi to converse with them and probe their thinking as to who he was. " Who do men say that I the son of man am " It is no coincidence that he was in the Shadows of the Marble Temple dedicated to Caeser worship. It was no coincidence that he was in the town that housed 15 temples to Baal and other Gods. And the one true God said in light of all these temples to these god's , Who do men say that I am? And Simon ultimately said the true words, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God". Do you believe that there is only one God and his name is Jesus