Think Jesus

We need to Think as we read the Bible. Not just accept the opinions of even those respected by us. My name is Sonny Cathey I am doing the work of an Evangelist/Missionary but my calling is as a Pastor.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Afghan Man suffers for Christianity

I have kept up with the plight of Rahman the 41 year old man from Afghanistan who had a death sentence placed on him for the crime of converting to christianity. This man by the Grace of God but with I am sure much heartache must leave the land of his birth and yet the grace is that it will save his life. But in seeing this man on Television the other day with his accusers I could not help but contrast the hard looks on his accusers with no joy and yet on Rahman there was a glow. You can look at a true Christian and see a glow on their countenance which is as much proof of their God's existense as the very stars in heaven and this great time clock called Earth. The sun sets exactly and without error every night and rises every morning. You would have to be totally deceived or mentally blinded not to believe in a master architect behind all of this. God Bless Rahman for his shine. Please comment at will.


Blogger Unknown said...

Pastor Sonny,
Finally got to say hi. You have an awesome gift for writing.Your insight is focused and you have a multifaceted calling on your life which truly depicts the apostolic. Well balanced and you preach Jesus with the love of Jesus.
It's great being your brother. Check my site out on wwwa.apostolicblog.come

3:50 AM  

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